This week’s crash at Germany’s Nürburgring claimed seven lust-inducing rides. Now, video footage of that incident has surfaced on the internet, providing a first-hand glimpse of the mayhem. Shot using a rear-facing camera mounted inside the cabin of what appears to be an E30-generation BMW 3 Series, this video shows the accident take place in real time, during what would otherwise be a casual 16-minute drive on the ‘Ring.
Though there’s lots of eye candy to see in the first half of the video (it is the Nürburgring, after all), the action doesn’t really start until around the four-minute mark. If you’re interested in watching the E30 we’re riding onboard take a lap of the ‘Ring, keep it tuned right here for about six minutes. Otherwise, skip ahead to around 9:55, where you’ll hear some exclamations in French, then see a few cars take evasive action to avoid some debris in the road, as well as each other. There’s just one collision we actually witness (sort of) in the video, and it’s difficult to tell which cars are involved. According to the video’s description – which we had translated from French to English via a free online translator – this crash is of the white E90 M3 Ring taxi slamming into another M3 (presumably the E36-generation car seen in the photo) and a black Corvette. The series of events described in the video are consistent with the German police report, except for the color of the Corvette, which we can see is orange in the original picture.
The driver and his passenger then pass the construction zone and speed away from the accident, both still in shock at the carnage that ensued behind them. The rest of the video shows the BMW completing what’s left of its lap. Though recreational driving is made more accessible to the German public, this video shows it’s not without its potential hazards.