Pennsylvania mom in duct-taped toddler case released on bail

ew York (CNN) -- A Pennsylvania woman, jailed after a photo surfaced of her 2-year-old daughter duct taped to a chair, has been granted bail, according to Delaware County court officials.

Common Pleas Court Judge Frank Hazel released Caira Ferguson, 21, on the condition that she sees her child only under the supervision of child welfare officials.

She posted 10% of $25,000 bail on Tuesday and is required to wear an electronic monitoring bracelet, according to a Common Pleas Court spokeswoman. Ferguson must also complete a parenting class.

"She has no prior record, no mental health issues, no anger management issues," said Ferguson's lawyer, Vicki Herr. "There is really no basis for her being confined without bail."

Ferguson was arrested and charged with endangering the welfare of a child, unlawful restraint and false imprisonment on February 16 after showing police a photo of her child bound to a plastic chair with duct tape. She revealed the photo as part of her claim that someone had stolen her identity, according to Chester Township police.

The photo was posted on news and gossip blog and shows Ferguson standing next to her daughter, whose mouth is also duct-taped shut. It was taken in July, police said.

Ferguson will live at her mother's Chester Township home, which is across the street from the house where her daughter is living with her godmother, Herr said.

Ferguson is due back in court on Monday for a preliminary hearing, court officials said.

From Leigh Remizowski, CNN