Chevrolet announces UK price for electric Volt

The Chevrolet Volt is set to go on sale next year from £28,545 taking into account the government backed £5,000 electric vehicle grant, the American company has announced today.

The Volt has an electric-only range of between 30 and 50 miles depending on terrain and traffic conditions, after which its on-board petrol generator kicks in to sustain battery power.

Chevrolet-Volt Unlike conventional hybrids, the electric drivetrain – known as E-REV, Extended-Range Electric Vehicle – directly powers the car’s wheels. The petrol engine is there to prevent the battery going flat which Chevrolet says eliminates the fear of ‘range anxiety’ experienced by users of other electric vehicles dependent on a limited range and a charging infrastructure.

However, for shorter journeys, drivers may never need to put any petrol in the car as it only ever needs fuelling for longer journeys.

The Volt’s technology has won multiple awards in the USA, where it was crowned North American Car of the Year, as well as winning similar plaudits from major titles Motor Trend and Automobile Magazine.

Chevrolet chose to announce the UK pricing of the Volt, which comes to showrooms in right-hand-drive form in spring 2012, at the Goodwood Festival of Speed, where the US-manufacturer was celebrating its centenary.

“We wanted to back up a century of progress with our vision for the next century,” said Chevrolet UK managing director, Mark Terry. “Except it’s more than a vision, it’s a reality.”

“The Volt is a truly incredible car – the first ever compromise-free electric car with zero-emissions capability. You can use it for going to work and back during the week without ever putting fuel in, but it’s also an electric car that you can use for a family holiday. There are never any concerns that a flat battery will leave you stranded.”

All UK Volts will come with full leather interior as standard.

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