Nissan tests electric NV

Yokohama, Japan – Nissan will begin global tests this month of an electric vehicle based on the compact NV200 commercial van. The NV200 was recently selected by New York City as its next-generation taxi.

One test vehicle will carry out postal collection and delivery for approximately two months in Yokohama. Later, similar tests will be carried out both in Japan and Europe with other companies.

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“The role that can be played by zero-emissions vehicles in promoting a balance between economic growth and environmental protection in the realm of logistics is large,” said Hideto Murakami, corporate vice-president for Nissan’s global LCV business unit. “We will certainly reflect the customer feedback gained from these proving tests in our future product development, and I expect that our commercial electric vehicles based on the NV200 will contribute to our customers’ business and to the development of a sustainable society.”

The NV200 has been on sale in Japan and Europe since 2009, and in China and Singapore from 2010. Future launches are planned for the U.S. and India.