BMW ActiveE First Drive

BMW-ActiveE-ConceptBMW ActiveE Concept

Ask any middle child and they'll be happy to tell you about how little attention they received from their parents. The oldest and the youngest always hogged the spotlight, they say. If the BMW ActiveE could talk, it might say the same thing.

We've been waiting on the ActiveE for more than a year-and-a-half now as it missed its original July 2011 launch date. By the time the first customers lay their hands on one, it'll have been nearly two years since its debut. In the meantime, the older MiniE has made a few headlines as the test fleet collectively passes 9.3 million miles traveled thanks to an extended leasing program. And before the ActiveE could have its day, BMW rolled out the i3, set to go on-sale in just two years. Being both a new direction for BMW and the company's first mass-market EV has garnered the youngest child (and its sporty i8 fraternal twin) quite a bit of attention.

So what about the ActiveE, then? We originally thought it would be a test bed for the i3's technology, and while it still is, i3 development is so far along that the ActiveE will do more validation testing than developmental testing. After all, by the time BMW starts getting any meaningful feedback from the ActiveE fleet, the i3 will be less than two years away. That doesn't mean the ActiveE isn't important, though. Anything BMW learns from the ActiveE fleet will no doubt be incorporated into the i3, particularly lessons learned in software calibration.

In much the same way, the ActiveE benefits from lessons learned in the MiniE program. After reviewing the feedback from their lessees, BMW concluded that the only thing it lacked was interior space. Despite early skepticism, lessees found its 100-mile range perfectly adequate in real-world driving. The ActiveE, then, offers four seats instead of two, a bit more cargo space and roughly the same range, which BMW estimates at 80 to 100 miles. Much of the trunk space is lost to the control hardware for the rear-mounted electric motor, but there's still an L-shaped cavity in front of the hardware and reaching around the side to a hidden pass-through behind the driver's side rear seat.

BMW-ActiveE-Concept-cockpitBMW ActiveE Concept cockpit

Rather than give up the rear seats as the MiniE did, the ActiveE keeps its batteries in three packs under the rear seats, in the former transmission tunnel and under the hood where that pack is mounted behind the front axle centerline, maintaining a 50/50 weight balance. Achieving this required a bulge in the hood to clear the battery pack, the only outward evidence of the car's EV drivetrain, aside from the silly decals. Altogether, the battery packs store 32 kilowatt-hours worth of electricity and will charge from empty in 20 hours with a 110-volt connection, 4-6 hours with a 220-volt one. Because of the long charge time on the standard voltage, access to the latter is stipulated in the lease agreement.

The battery powers a BMW-designed-and-manufactured 125-kilowatt electric motor mounted on the rear axle, which outputs 168 horsepower and 184 pound-feet of torque, 62 horsepower and 16 pound-feet less than a six-cylinder 128i. BMW says the car will hit 60 mph in a leisurely 9.0 seconds, a half-a-second slower than the MiniE and 3.3 seconds slower than the last 128i we tested. Much of that owes to the ActiveE's weight, a portly 4000 pounds, nearly 800 pounds heavier than the MiniE. BMW attributes the weight gain mostly to the batteries and the conversion work necessary to turn an internal combustion engine-powered car into an EV that still meets crash and safety regulations. Much work was required to protect the retrofitted batteries in a collision, work that the i3 won't need because it's been designed as an EV from day one. BMW says that car will be nearly 1250 pounds lighter. On the other hand, the ActiveE is seven-tenths of a second quicker to 60 mph than the somewhat comparable Nissan Leaf or Toyota Prius.

Like the Leaf, you feel the weight of the batteries hidden beneath the ActiveE's skin, but not in a bad way. As with the Nissan, the battery weight makes the car feel solid and substantial, not like a runaway cruise ship. Like many a German car, the ActiveE feels like a tank, a tank in a dressage competition. The suspension has been stiffened up to compensate for the extra weight, but only to the point that the ActiveE rides and handles like a standard 1 Series, BMW says. On lovingly maintained Bavarian roads, we can attest that the ActiveE does ride quite nicely and is cathedral-quiet inside save the motor noise, which sounds like an F-15 spooling up its engines. This second point is especially impressive as BMW made no special effort to control wind or road noise on the ActiveE as Nissan did with the Leaf.

At this point, we'd like to tell you how the ActiveE handles its extra heft, but we really can't say. The test drive BMW arranged took us on a pleasant trip through north Munich, but it consisted entirely of city streets that almost never turned. What few turns we did make consisted of the 90-degree, stoplight-controlled variety and didn't lend themselves to performance testing in afternoon traffic. We have to imagine that its ultimate road holding ability would at least be challenged by BMW's selection of efficiency minded Bridgestone Ecopia tires in place of the performance Goodyear Eagles standard on the 128i. Though the ActiveE's handling abilities were never tested, credit is due to BMW for devising a route representative of the ownership experience.

Let's be honest, the few hundred people who lease ActiveEs aren't going to spend a lot of time on twisty back roads. BMW calls it a "megacity" vehicle for a reason. It's meant to be driven by urban and suburban dwellers that like most of America drive less than 40 miles per day. In that regard, the ActiveE performed flawlessly. Its always-on torque delivered smooth, linear acceleration that made the car feel faster than the spec chart suggests. The electric power steering system is one of the best in the business, returning good road feel, quick response and a nice heft. Regenerative braking is handled entirely by the throttle pedal and engages as soon as you begin to lift off the throttle. With a little practice you'll find that maintaining a small amount of throttle input allows the car to coast while lifting entirely engages full regen, even in reverse. The brake pedal, then, feels like any other hydraulic braking system and not some hybrid amalgamation. For even greater energy management, engage EcoPro mode, which dampens throttle sensitivity considerably and cuts output of the climate system, rear defroster and heated mirrors. BMW says the program will net you up to a 10-percent increase in range.

BMW-ActiveE-Concept-rear-three-quarterBMW ActiveE Concept rear three quarter

We learned other interesting things on our inner-city cruise. We learned that thanks to efficiency biased programming, there's nothing you can do to break the rear tires loose. We learned that pulling the hand brake while in Drive will greatly upset the onboard computer, causing it to shutdown the powertrain and demand that you call BMW Assistance. We learned that can be fixed by turning the car off and back on again. We also learned that driving with two feet, using the throttle and brake congruently in traffic, will cause the drivetrain to stutter a bit as it tries to figure out what you want. Finally, we learned that brake-torqueing the car activates a somewhat mild launch control system that will kick you off the line noticeably harder than simply stomping on the accelerator. Top speed is electronically limited to 90 mph. Being in town, we took BMW's word on this.

Again, though, little of that is actually relevant to the average EV early adopter. As an EV, the ActiveE performs perfectly well shuttling you about town in quiet and without producing its own emissions. It's less practical than a Leaf, what with its two doors and compromised trunk, but it's a damn sight better looking. It's also quite forgiving of the lead of foot, as our 30-mile test drive only depleted some 20 percent of the battery despite our best efforts. It charges faster to boot despite its larger battery, a benefit of the liquid thermal management system. It's even a bit faster on the road should you meet a Leaf or Prius at a stoplight and wish to prove eco-superiority.

If all this sounds like your cup of green tea, get your carbon-neutral hand in the air. Only 1100 ActiveEs will be built and only 700 of them will be shipped to the U.S., where they'll be available for a two-year lease only. MiniE customers, the less than 200 who still have their cars, will have first dibs and the rest will be hand-picked by BMW. The ActiveE will only be available in California, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Boston and like the MiniE will be taken back at the end of the lease. The leasing process hasn't begun yet, but given that BMW received 10,000 hand raisers for the MiniE in the first week and that ActiveE deliveries begin in December, we don't expect it to take long. You'll have to lay down $2250 at signing and $495 per month for the privilege, should you be chosen. If you're the type of person the ActiveE appeals to, you probably won't be disappointed.

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