Bugatti Galiber Design To Be Finalized, Boasting “Four Figure” Horsepower Rating

Bugatti Galiber Design To Be Finalized, Boasting “Four Figure” Horsepower RatingBugatti Galiber

Volkswagen is set to approve production of the Bugatti Galiber by the end of 2011, but Bugatti head Wolfgang Durheimer himself told Autocar that the concept car will bear little resemblance to what super wealthy customers will eventually be able to buy.

“The design will be different, especially from the B-pillar back, the ingress and regress to the rear seats will be improved, as will the legroom and ergonomics, the car will be a little longer, and the power of the engine will be at least four figures.”

Durheimer called the changes “…a design I can be behind 100%”, but did not comment on any mechanical details. He did say that a significant number of Veyron owners had previewed the car and that the changes came as a result of feedback from them. The Galiber is expected to cost as much as $2 million when it goes on sale in 2013.

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