Nissan launches new Cima with hybrid system

NissanCimaBlack The fifth generation of the luxury saloon car, the Nissan Cima, is to feature a one-motor, two-clutch parallel hybrid system.

Expected to go on sale in dealerships in Japan in May, the new Nissan Cima (pictured) boasts a 20 per cent improvement in fuel economy over 2015 standards and emits 75 per cent fewer exhaust emissions compared to its 2005 levels. This means that it qualifies for preferential tax breaks in Japan and is fully exempt from automobile acquisition tax and automobile weight tax.

At the heart of the vehicle is a hybrid VQ35HR system that achieves maximum power of 225kW at 6,800rpm with maximum torque of 350Nm. It also uses an advanced Hm34 electric motor with a maximum power output of 67hp and maximum torque of 270Nm.

In addition, it comes with a seven-speed hybrid transmission, electric-driven braking and an electric type booster.

Its instrument display highlights the operating conditions of the hybrid system and includes information on: battery capacity; acceleration; an ECO-drive indicator; and a liquid-crystal odometer. In addition, it will be the first Nissan vehicle with sound-absorbing tyres.

It is set to have a price ranging from US$90,000-US$103,000 with a sales target of 1,000 units per year.

The Green Car Website