European car industry drives for EV charging standardisation

European car makers have made an important step forward in the harmonisation of charging systems for electric cars.

A comprehensive set of recommendations for the standardisation of charging for EVs has been drawn up by the ACEA; the industry body which represents vehicle manufacturers in Europe.

The joint industry proposal will enable the use of one type of plug independent of car make, electricity provider or country.

"This is a major step towards the broader introduction of electrically-chargeable vehicles in Europe and paves the way for a harmonised solution around the globe", said Ivan Hodac, Secretary General of ACEA. "We call on the European Commission, the standardisation bodies and the infrastructure providers to adopt these recommendations and to clear remaining issues as soon as possible."

Standardisation of the connection between the electricity supply and electrically-chargeable vehicles is one of the pre-requisites to help e-mobility gain a bigger market share. At present, a variety of solutions are used, leading to a fragmentation of the market across Europe and abroad.

The industry recommendations address both slow and fast charging and direct or alternate current. As soon they are approved by the relevant standardisation bodies, vehicle manufacturers can start integrating the uniform application in their production cycles. The auto industry is looking for full implementation for new vehicles types by 2017.

Most stakeholders assume a realistic market share for EV vehicles in the range of 3 to 10 per cent of new sales by 2020 to 2025, depending on how quickly the most immediate challenges can be addressed.

The Green Car Website